Welcome to our information hub for anyone using singing and vocal work as a way to support Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing.
Explore this section to find a deeper understanding of the benefits of singing in mental health and information on effective practice.
Mental health
A collection of content and resources to help build a strong understanding about the issues of mental health and how they affect children and young people.
Find the stories and hear from experts as they explain singing as the medium to improve the lives young people. We have prepared additional tools and resources for teachers and practitioners to use.
Dive deeper into tools and practice and hear from other practitioners. This ever-expanding section is great for finding out about new or different approaches to singing for mental health & wellbeing.
How do we create singing and music-making experiences that support participants' wellbeing in a way which which feels safe and is safe for all involved? Sing Up Foundation commissioned North East England charity Blue Cabin to create a guide which explores the concept of a safe space in its widest sense.
Working in challenging settings
This inspiring film and case study gives us an inside look at how practitioners and specialists in Yorkshire are helping young people going through mental health challenges from within clinical settings and beyond.
Learn how they are doing it and the success they are having, but also how to address the challenges that can arise.
There are many ways that singing and voicing can be encouraged and supported with children and young people. Here are just a few ideas to think creatively about singing environments and contexts.