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Exploring Effective Practice

What types of approach work when using singing and vocal work to support children & young people's mental health & wellbeing? We offer some insights and an increasing bank of knowledge and materials to help support thinking and development for those working, or looking to work in this rich and complex field.


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Singing with Young Refugees

What impact does singing and music-making have on the lives of young refugees? This report commissioned by the Sing Up Foundation delves into these issues and makes recommendations about what can be improved moving forward.
Dr Hala Jaber, Dr Frances Garry and Professor Helen Phelan, University of Limerick
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Creating a Safe Space for Singing

How do we create singing and music-making experiences that support participants' wellbeing in a way which which feels safe and is safe for all involved? Sing Up Foundation commissioned North East England charity Blue Cabin to create this guide.
Blue Cabin
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Beatboxing, Identity and Mental Health

We asked beatboxing and looping legend, mental health champion and long-time friend of Sing Up SK Shlomo to give us some insights into their work with young people at Breathe Academy.
SK Shlomo
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Working in Challenging Settings

We visit Becton Centre for Children & Young People to find out how music making provided by Yorkshire Youth and Music is a key part of provision for those outside of mainstream education.
Yorkshire Youth & Music

Useful links

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Creatively Minded and Young

by The Baring Foundation

A selection of arts and mental health projects with, by and for children & young people.

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Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

by All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing

Enquiry report 2017.

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Researching the impact of the National Singing Programme 'Sing Up' in England

by Institute of Education

Main findings from the first 3 years (2007-10): children's singing development, self-concept and sense of social inclusion

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6 Benefits of Music for your Mental Health

by CAMHS Professionals

Poster summarising the main benefits of music for mental health

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Singing, wellbeing and health: context, evidence and practice

by Ian Morrison and Stephen Clift

Publication by Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health.

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Mental Health Resources for Schools

by Place2Be

Creative wellbeing activities, Children's Mental Health Week resources and more.

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Mental Health Flow Chart


Categorisation of different types of behaviours that could be resent in students, a red, amber & green system and recommendations on what staff should do.

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Classroom Wellbeing Toolkit

by Anna Freud

Simple ways to support students' mental health.

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Childhood Trauma, The Brain and The Social World

by UK Trauma Council

A short guide about the importance of social relationships for mental health.

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Singing with young refugees

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This extensive report considers the very challenging lives of refugee children and highlights the impact of singing and music-making.

World Voice Teaching Materials

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A temporary home for a selection of World Voice resources.

Don't have any assumptions. You don't know what people can do… listen to what they got, and then see where you go.

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Jane Wheeler

From Inspiring Voices podcast, Season 1

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