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Understanding Singing for Mental Health

We explore the connection between singing and vocal work and children and young people's mental health and wellbeing, including scientific evidence and research, and the valuable link between Music Therapy and general music participation.

He actually cried at the end. And it was just so emotional. The teacher and the TA looked at me and were like “what has just happened here?”, and it was incredible.

Sophie Garner

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Sarah and Vicky share their insights and experience delivering music therapy.

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Singing & Health - the evidence

There's a wealth of research that proves the benefits of singing on health and wellbeing across the lifespan. Find out about the benefits of singing in relation to overall health and wellbeing and what the research shows.
Sing Up Foundation
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Types of Singing Activity for Mental Health

There are many ways that singing and voicing can be encouraged and supported with children and young people. Here are just a few ideas to think creatively about singing environments and contexts.
Emily Foulkes
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Music Therapy & Music Participation

What is Music Therapy, and what is its relationship with wider music participation? In this guide and accompanying film, we explore these vitally important aspects of singing for children & young people's mental health & wellbeing, how they differ and how they can complement each other, as well as how to find out more.
Sarah McColl Wiltshire
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Creative vocals and 'agency' in singing - a rapid research review

Why is a creative approach to singing and other vocal work particularly valuable in the context of children & young people's mental health & wellbeing? Douglas Lonie of tialt shares some of the key evidence.
Douglas Lonie
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Policy Research Overview - Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing

A summary of the latest from a growing body of literature demonstrating the benefits of singing.
Emily Foulkes

Further information

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Creatively Minded and Young

by The Baring Foundation

A selection of arts and mental health projects with, by and for children & young people.

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Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing

by All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing

Enquiry report 2017.

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Researching the impact of the National Singing Programme 'Sing Up' in England

by Institute of Education

Main findings from the first 3 years (2007-10): children's singing development, self-concept and sense of social inclusion

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6 Benefits of Music for your Mental Health

by CAMHS Professionals

Poster summarising the main benefits of music for mental health

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Singing, wellbeing and health: context, evidence and practice

by Ian Morrison and Stephen Clift

Publication by Sidney De Haan Research Centre for Arts and Health.

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If they're singing their own words, or even if they're part of the full process that made those words, it becomes so much more meaningful.

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Aga Serugo-Lugo

From Inspiring Voices podcast, Season 1

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