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Leave a legacy in your will

No matter how large or small, your gift will ensure more people can discover the wide-ranging benefits of singing to improve mental health and wellbeing.

Every contribution, however big or small, will help us continue our important work.

When you write your will, we know you’ll want to take care of your loved ones first and foremost. After this, including a gift to Sing Up Foundation is a meaningful way to support our work and to leave a lasting legacy.
Remembering Sing Up Foundation in your Will or giving an In Memory Gift to honour a loved one, enables us to secure and sustain vital work that matters to you, long into the future.
To find out more about how you can leave a legacy, and provide opportunities for the next generation, please call us on 0204 566 9666 or email
Students singing at a piano

Why gifts in wills are important

Leaving a gift in your will helps support our work across the UK, from improving the sustainability of our research, learning and skills development programmes, to creating wonderful singing opportunities for children and young people everywhere.


Please consider leaving a legacy gift to Sing Up Foundation. No matter how large or small, your gift will ensure more people can discover the wide-ranging benefits of singing to improve mental health and wellbeing. Together, we can continue to make an impact and create a healthier world through song for generations to come.

Types of gifts you can give

You can decide what type of gift you want to leave us:
  • Residuary gift – you leave the remainder of your estate, or a percentage of it, once family and friends have been provided for (this type of gift is not affected by inflation, so keeps its value over time).
  • Pecuniary or cash gift – you can specify an amount of money.
3 students singing together

Our promises to you

  • We understand that your family and friends will always come first.
  • We understand that this is your decision alone and will never pressure you to make it.
  • We will always respect your privacy, never sell your personal information, share your intentions, or ask about the size or type of your gift if you choose to support us in this way.
  • We will keep you as up-to-date and informed as you like and offer you opportunities to come and see us.
  • We will ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes.
  • We will always be here to help answer your questions honestly and openly.

How to leave us a gift

You can either:
  • Leave a gift to us when you make a new will
  • Amend your existing will using a codicil form.

Contact us about leaving a gift to the Sing Up Foundation

We understand if you would prefer to leave a gift anonymously. However, if you do wish to tell us about your gift, we would love the opportunity to thank you personally.
You can let us know you are intending to leave a gift by contacting our Celi Barberia and Baz Chapman our Joint Heads of Foundation at

We believe strongly that the arts, and singing specifically, can provide unique solutions to help address the mental health crisis

The mental health of young people in the UK is of real and growing concern

The statistics are alarming, with an estimated three students in every classroom of 30 having a diagnosable mental health disorder. Conversely, the average waiting time for an appointment with Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services is 42 weeks until the start of treatment. The more time that these young people go without help, the greater their problems can become. Mental ill health has long-term consequences on a young person's life chances and for this reason, it's critical to focus on prevention. 
The benefits of singing on health and wellbeing are wide-ranging – from biological, to physiological, to social and behavioural. We believe strongly that the arts, and singing specifically, can provide unique solutions to help address this crisis. We're currently working with a range of partners to develop opportunities for young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing through singing and we believe that every child should have that chance.
Some of our programmes are funded by public money and grants from trusts and foundations, but we need your help to continue our vital work. Please donate what you can today.

Why Support us?

Sing Up Foundation is an independent charity and we need to raise funds to help us thrive.

Students singing in front of brick wall

Who we are

Find out more about our work, our team and our Trustees.

Sing Up Foundation logo

Make a Donation

Make a one-off pledge of support for the work of the Sing Up Foundation.

Music teacher clapping with young children

Support Us

Visit our Support Us page to find out more about the ways that you can help us in our work. 


Your donation helps us to create a healthier world through song. 


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* Please note, if you're registered with Sing Up already, your Sing Up Foundation account will not be connected to the Sing Up account. Thus, these are two separate accounts.

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