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Schools & Teachers
We want to support teachers and school settings in offering their students singing activities to support mental health and wellbeing. Not just songs to suit moods, but activities which really connect and can have transformative powers!
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A curated set of courses for all our leaders and practitioners.
CPD opportunities coming soon!
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Professional development
Sing Up Foundation is here to support your professional journey. We provide professional development courses and tools as well as live sessions and ongoing support to help you maximise your efforts and continue to stay at the edge of the latest methods and techniques.
Another paragraph explaining further benefits of what the work Singup Foundation is doing to help people with their career progression.
CPD Path 1
Strapline for the page this link leads to. The whole box can be a button with hover state.
CPD Path 2
Strapline for the page this link leads to. The whole box can be a button with hover state.
CPD Path 3
Strapline for the page this link leads to. The whole box can be a button with hover state.
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