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Types of Singing Activity for Mental Health

By Emily Foulkes

There are many ways that singing and voicing can be encouraged and supported with children and young people. Here are just a few ideas to think creatively about singing environments and contexts.


A choir or singing group is the typical method of bringing people together to share in song. Nearly all the research into the well-being benefits...

Small Singing Groups

Small groups can be less daunting for some children and young people, especially if it’s with their existing social group. Could friendship groups be invited ...

Creating Singing/Voicing with Mindfulness or other wellbeing activities such as Yoga

Singing opportunities, in groups, do not need to automatically sit within a music department or be led by a choir leader/singing...


One to one sessions can be an excellent way in to singing for children and young people who may struggle with groups and would benefit more from individual provision. This doesn’t have to be...

Singing in the Classroom

There are some excellent examples of how singing can be embedded throughout the school day, providing a vocal soundtrack to the different elements of the day. You might source songs...

Singing/Voicing in Nature

A walk and talk can easily be transformed into a walk and sing! Being out in nature can provide wonderful stimulus for creating songs/soundscapes and can feel less restrictive than...

Types of Repertoire

When considering the types of song which might be conducive to positive mental health and well-being may lead a practitioner to chose more upbeat repertoire. It is certainly true that...

Songwriting/Composition - CYP-led (informally or formally)

Songwriting and composition can be excellent ways to empower children and young people to create music and songs which are relevant and meaningful to them. This can be informally...

In this section

Singing & Health - the evidence
Types of Singing Activity for Mental Health
Music Therapy & Music Participation
Creative vocals and 'agency' in singing - a rapid research review
Policy Research Overview - Children & Young People's Mental Health & Wellbeing

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