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Working in Challenging Settings

A film by Yorkshire Youth & Music

Chris Morris with student

We visit Becton Centre for Children & Young People to find out how music making provided by Yorkshire Youth and Music is a key part of provision for those outside of mainstream education.

This insightful and inspiring case study explores:

  • How to engage with a specialist educational institution

  • How to engage with young people in particularly challenging circumstances

  • Apprentice learning & development

  • Connecting with the team of different specialists surrounding the young people

  • Aligning and achieving measurable outcomes

“They almost unfailingly access
some level of creativity that they
often didn’t know they had -
they become a musician”

Watch the film

"Some of these young people have
used those lyrics to express things that they've found it difficult to talk about"

About Yorkshire Youth & Music

Yorkshire Youth & Music is a community music and arts education company working across the whole of Yorkshire.

YYM creates music-making opportunities that change the lives of children and young people in very challenging circumstances across the region, including:

  • children with special education needs

  • young people in Youth Justice settings

  • children with disabilities

They have expertise and a reputation for reaching the hardest to reach young people, and those in very challenging circumstances, working in partnership with schools, music services, community groups and other organisations and institutions who provide support and services to young people.

About Becton Centre for Children & Young People

Becton Centre for Children & Young People in Sheffield (part of Sheffield CAMHS) provides education for Tier 4 psychiatric inpatients, plus those unable to sustain regular mainstream education through medical need. Becton’s occupational therapists approached Yorkshire Youth and Music to provide a programme of music education work with the aim of improving and/or supporting the mental health, fitness and well-being of vulnerable children and young people in Sheffield. You can find out more about the project here.

Yorkshire Youth & Music logo - blue

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